R In Physics

“reflecting on a decade of using R for data & science”




September 17, 2018

I’ve been using R for about 12 years for data analysis, numerical simulations, reporting, documentation, scripting, graphics, and random hobbies. Before that I dabbled in Matlab, Octave, etc.. I am increasingly looking at julia for my computational projects, but R is likely to remain my go-to language for the foreseeable future.

This post is basically a chaotic summary of my learning curve, contributions, frustrations, and thoughts. I’ll keep editing it as new thoughts/memories come to me. Below is a partial list of my interactions with the R ecosystem, which I’ve found instructive to reflect upon recently.

r packages

proof-of-concept and private projects


Extract legend items and weave them with the text of a figure caption.


Implements a custom geom to map a country identifier to a raster flag image. Later generalised as egg::geom_custom.


Query flick api and generate static html pages for my photography website.


[work in abandon] “R in physics” — book draft, expanding this post into different chapters.


[work in abandon] “toy tutorials on light scattering” — book draft, about electromagnetic scattering.


My interaction with the R community has always been virtual — I have tried going to / or even organising R meet-ups, but it’s always fallen through lamentably. And R is generally considered too weird in my physics circles.

misc uses

I’ve used R in various personal projects: to generate my websites, to automate Gandalf’s CV, or a recent poster creation, to produce interactive maps, lecture slides, assignments, etc.

Shiny apps

I’ve recently taken to producing interactive explorables with Shiny, to provide online calculators for various projects. Examples: SPR, Mie, port, etc.

talks and presentations

I have given several presentations about graphics, in which I occasionally included a few concepts from the Grammar of Graphics, illustrated with a bit of R code (or pseudo R code). The core message, however, was not about using the language.


I’ve reviewed a couple of articles about R graphics for the R Journal, mostly about grid if memory serves. I’ve also provided feedback on a couple of ggplot-related books.

misc. initiatives

I was briefly moderator and contributor to the short-lived ggplot2 blog.

I contributed a substantial portion of the content on the ggplot2 wiki, as well as unofficial documentation for gtable.

mailing lists & forums

R-help, R-devel (2009—2012)

Nabble lists 537 items under my name (Qs and As), which sounds about right. I left those lists years ago but they provided very useful information before SO and other platforms existed.

ggplot2 google group (2009—2014)

I left the group in 2014 but remain in the top 4 posters, with 383 contributions according to the site.

StackOverflow (2009—2017)

55,473 rep, mostly in R tag

923 answers
65 questions
I grew tired of some frustrating and unproductive interactions last year and am currently taking an indefinite break.
github (2008—)

89 repositories

4500 contributions since I joined
(870 + 1340 + 1212 + 684 + 76 + 200 + 182 + 14 + 2 + 1)

notable ideas, bug reports, and suggestions

R core
  • (cannot remember anything noteworthy)
grid & graphics
  • bug report: duplicate labels
  • bug report: unit.list
  • absolute.size, absolute.units
  • subassignment methods for unit objects
  • docs
  • tableGrob
  • children grob
  • bugs, issues

thoughts for the future

Last Updated: r format(Sys.Date(), format="%d %B %Y")
